I have a very irregular newsletter called The Blur, a play on the whole “Writer Unfocused” thing I brand myself with. How irregular? From January 2016 to August 2020, I sent out . . . 6 newsletters. When I say I won’t bury your inbox, I mean it. (smile)
If you’d like to read previous editions, check out the links below. Note the older editions (the first five) were delivered by MailChimp, my old newsletter service, and still have a signup link that I can’t edit out. If you click it, it won’t work, so no clicky. If you’d like to sign up, tap or click the picture above.
January 2016: The Blur Issue 1
October 2016: The latest news from Indefixa
January 2017: The new website is live!
April 2017: 2 Exclusives From Bob Mueller
April 2019: The latest news from Bob Mueller
August 2020: Your irregular update from Bob Mueller