With this post, I’ve logged two years of consecutive weekly posts. I’m impressed that I’ve been able to keep it up. But at the moment, I’m not sure what I’ve accomplished. Yeah, it’s 105 consecutive posts (plus a few others along the way), but I feel like too many of them are make-work things without much substance. And that’s not what I was trying to accomplish with the streak.
On the other hand, I’ve made deadline 105 times, even if some of the posts were “Hey, I’m just writing something to keep the streak alive.”
I’ve written not a whole lot of fiction in the two years of the blog streak. I’d hoped that the weekly posts would have kept the creative juices flowing better. I suspect part of the issue is that I haven’t been reading nearly as much as I used to, or should be. I’ve read more in the last two weeks than I did in all of last year. But as much as that’s helping, I need to make an effort to read cross-genre, too.
Here’s to another year.

Since we’re talking about milestones—we were talking about milestones, weren’t we?
Friday night was Youngest Daughter’s last Classical Conversations End-of-Year Celebration. Each campus holds this event at the end of the school year, and the Muskogee campus is no different. It’s not unlike the awards ceremonies that public schools hold, though there aren’t that many awards handed out in CC. The Challenge students who took the National Latin exam get recognized, but that’s it, at least for our campus.
Each program—Foundations, Essentials, and Challenge—does a brief presentation about something they’ve covered during the year. One class might have a couple of students drawing the world map from memory. Another might diagram a few sentences, explaining each part of speech. It’s kind of a fun program.
But this was YD’s last one. She’s a senior. She graduates next week, after defending her senior thesis.
I’m so not ready for this part. Our baby isn’t a baby anymore.
And even more poignantly, her graduation will be at the same church where Oldest Daughter graduated (from a different homeschool coop program) ten years ago.
Quite the bookend moment.
After graduation, she’s off to New Life Ranch for the summer to run the canteen. She’s also got orientation at Northeastern State University, where she’ll be majoring in Human Resource Management.
It’ll be quite the busy summer for her.
She got some cool news Friday, too. She’s been working at a coffee shop in Muskogee for a couple of years now, along with Middle Daughter. MD had to cut back her work schedule though, because the drive from Muskogee to Tahlequah (she’s also attending NSU) made it hard to keep up with her schoolwork and other job. Based on MD’s experience, YD decided to resign from the coffee shop to cut back on the stress of her freshman year, which her mom and I thought was a pretty mature decision.
But her boss at the coffee shop decided she didn’t want to let YD go, so Boss Lady decided to move YD into a remote-work position handling the store’s social media accounts.
I kind of love that my kids work for a place like this.
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