Hasn’t been the greatest week ever.
A friend of Number Two Son died unexpectedly last weekend, and the funeral was Thursday. They’d worked together for a couple of years. Lived together for several months. The friend had helped Number Two Son and his girlfriend iron things out after a fight. Number Two Son is still pretty torn up about the loss, and I expect he will be for a while.
The bathroom work is coming along. Here’s a picture because I haven’t shared one in a while. The half-wall is going to get a big piece of frosted glass along with a frosted glass door. The new vanity is white, and we’re going with brushed/satin nickel on the fixtures. I’d guess we’ve got another couple of weeks at this point. The glass company came out Tuesday to measure and said it’d be about ten days to make it. That’ll give the contractor time to finish out the other things like seating the toilet, getting the vanity in, and painting.
Sorry this wasn’t longer. I really just wanted to keep the streak going.
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