You may safely ignore this post no matter where you see it.
ActivityPub Testing #4
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean sed lectus mi. Cras dui nulla, aliquet vel justo ut, gravida porttitor quam. Integer vitae sem ipsum. Vestibulum sed ligula hendrerit odio faucibus cursus. Mauris enim justo, sollicitudin non convallis tempor, convallis sit amet ipsum. Quisque posuere sapien a elementum facilisis. Sed quis erat euismod
ActivityPub Testing #3
Third post in a series of tests. Same post-content settings again. This one’s getting done as WordPress Post-Format. I’m leaving the ActivityPub Template tags as I’ve had them for the first two posts. I’m pretty sure at this point that it’s the ap_excerpt tag that’s throwing the extra text in there.
I’ve also noticed that my Mastodon client seems to be slow to pick up the post for some reason.
ActivityPub Testing #2
Part 2 of testing ActivityPub. The featured image is the butterfly image from the last post, with Alt Text.
ActivityPub Testing #1
Testing Activity Pub. The featured image is a silhouette of a writer and does not appear in the post. The main image is a butterfly photo.