Is prison only supposed to be about punishment?
Who Thought This Was A Good Idea?
“Voluntary surrenders,” AKA the Greyhound Escape Plan. Since 1996, the US Bureau of Prisons has let some prisoners transfer between prisons unescorted. How? By buying them a one-way ticket to the bus terminal nearest their new home. How effective has it been? Historically, fewer than 1 in 500 inmates being transferred without escorts have absconded, Read More
In Illinois, Kicking Drugs (And the Prison Habit)
Maybe someone finally got it right. In Illinois, they’re trying a new program. They’re desperate to find a way to keep some of the 40,000 inmates due to be released this year from re-offending and returning to prison. The solution? A multi-prong approach. Treat the addictions. Give job training. And perhaps the most important part, Read More