I started participating in #MondayBlogs almost a year ago, and it’s done a great deal for my writing. It’s given me a deadline to crank out weekly writing, and anything that helps a writer is a good thing.
What is #MondayBlogs? It’s a meme developed by a friend of mine, Rachel Thompson about six years ago in an effort to build blog readership. Learn more here.
Rachel and I had been aggregating the #MondayBlogs tweets of the creatives at Gravity Imprint. I realized though that I still wanted a good way to share all the great posts I read on Mondays, so I’m going to gather them here each week.
Look for this post to go up every Monday evening. I hope you enjoy what you find here.
And happy anniversary to the US nickel, created by an act of Congress passed 150 years ago today.
On To The Posts!
- Five Easy Ways to Get What You Needhttp://bit.ly/GetWhatYouNeed @KW_Writes via @BlogHer #MondayBlogs#blogher #mentalhealth
- The Many Ways #Journaling Can Help Your #Health via @RachelintheOC http://ow.ly/SVCx30075au #MentalHealth #MondayBlogs
- 6 Things I Hate About Writing by @DanaLeipold via @HMJonesWrites http://ow.ly/1lhE3007R3x #MondayBlogs #amwriting
- Why I Crave the Hermit’s Life by @HMJonesWriteshttp://ow.ly/McTn3007RnX #MondayBlogs
- The Indie Author’s Guide to Sanity: 5 Survival Tips by @HMJonesWrites via @Danaleipold – http://bit.ly/1Td3ASK #MondayBlogs #selfpub
- #Worry is a #Prayer for #Chaos by @LisaDouthitww http://bit.ly/1WpG7le #MondayBlogs #MentalHealth #Health
- Counting My Blessons on Mother’s Day by @bschulmanauthor @authorbethschul http://wp.me/p6CrUd-3A #MondayBlogs
- Via @theceruleanproj: Wordcount Woes, aka The High Cost of Professional Services #amwriting #MondayBlogs http://ceruleanproject.com/wordcount-woes-aka-the-high-cost-of-professional-services-part-i/
- Writers block: What it is and what to do about it. https://t.co/xeSurtxPkY #My WANNA #Mondayblogs https://t.co/9p4ACTzllF via @Shirl_Corder
- Via @DarciaHelle: #MondayBlogs: I Didn’t Know His Name-Short Story https://t.co/XOIuYF979o #insidemybooks #literarycorner
- Via @Shirl_Corder: Writers block: What it is and what to do about it. https://t.co/xeSurtxPkY #My WANNA #Mondayblogs https://t.co/9p4ACTzllF
- Via @colleen_m_story: 5 Ways to Renew Your Faith in Your Writing. #MondayBlogs #amwriting https://t.co/C8MUHk24dh https://t.co/JFi2Djsinn
- Via @EllieFirestone1: New on my blog: Knowing When it’s Time to Let Go of Your Story https://t.co/E9j8OZ7urn #writetip #mondayblogs https://t.co/QnmDru3pQB
- Via @WomenWriters: How To Make A Book Trailer https://t.co/2CKlWKLxWs #mondayblogs
- Via @TheSarahFader: Sometimes I don’t write about God. Doesn’t mean God’s not there. https://t.co/z1Eb97qwjo via @CulturalSavage #Christian #MondayBlogs
- Via @sydney_writer: Is Your Day Job Destroying Your Ability To Write? https://t.co/TD5DhMLdmR #amwriting #MondayBlogs
- Via @TheSarahFader: Are real men #depressed? Depression Challenges My Masculinity @CulturalSavage @GoodMenProject https://t.co/JrEo0X3ZKh #MondayBlogs
- Via @NNP_W_Light: What does an author do when he’s not writing? #amwriting #MondayBlogs #asmsg https://t.co/NXVcZ5Fibh via @Hans_Hirschi
Share your thoughts!