My heart hurts for the people affected by the attacks in Paris.
I can’t even begin to organize my thoughts.
I’m not going to try to analyze the attacks or the politics behind them. I’m not going to try and turn this into some pro-gun/anti-gun thing, either, and I’m pretty disgusted by the people on both sides of that US issue who are trying to make a French massacre part of our debate.
I wonder why Paris got such a response, but Kenya didn’t. Where were the trending tweets, and the hashtags, and the buildings turned red, black, and green?
So many people are calling for peace. But will that work against an enemy who seems to want an end to Western civilization?
So many others are calling for war. Some want to turn the Middle East into a parking lot, they say, or nuke large parts of the region. “Kill them all. Let God sort them out,” some ironically say. But how does killing innocents without regard make us any better than the terrorists we’re supposedly going after? When will the innocent Muslims have said enough?
Others suggest a more elegant, intimate approach. Boots and bayonets. War to the knife, knife to the hilt. That’s perhaps a more exact approach, resulting in fewer innocent people killed. In theory.
But what happens after? What do we do after we’ve leveled a village, or laid waste to a region, or destroyed all the mosques, or effectively closed all of our borders?
What do we do next?
Perhaps the answer to that question is more important than our immediate response. We seem to be really good at a massive immediate armed response to events like this, but really poor at the follow-through.
Any athlete will tell you that follow-through is just as important as hitting or throwing or catching. You’re not going to be nearly as effective without a smooth, practiced, and complete follow-through. You don’t stop the motion of your bat when you first contact the ball. You don’t stop the motion of your hand when you release the football or the baseball.
So even if we were somehow able to completely eradicate radical Islamists, what would we do next? What does our follow-through look like? Because if we don’t know that, we shouldn’t start the swing in the first place. That failure is part of how we got here to begin with.
Dale Day says
There are no hard and fast rules about what should be done.
In this instance just as in 9/11, government intelligence agencies KNEW these people were potential threats. Should they have done something before? If so, what?
We can only sorrow for the victims and gird ourselves – for it WILL happen again.
maggiesnotebook says
Great article, Bob. Not Kenya, because they don’t have the wealth or natural resources. The radicals want what we have. Once they get the wealth and the resources, Kenya and all other poor countries will be in the sightline of Islamic radicals. We won’t get past it.
Muslims hoping to live a normal life have no chance of doing so. No chance anywhere on earth where other Muslims exist, because when they make it known that radicalism is against the nature of Islam (if it is, and if you know their holy book, you have to wonder), they die, or fear death with every breath they take. The radicals kill them. How many protests against radacilism do you see in NYC, or LA or any Muslim country?
As in our world wars, it’s a fact that innocents have to die. Plenty of Germans, and Americans and French, etc. died. Some deserved to die, and other didn’t. There’s no such thing a war without collateral damage. None. And there never will be.
We know why WWII ended. Throughout the history of man, innocents have died in the quest of trying to keep the masses alive.