Fast Or Slow? came from the same writing class. The instructor told us that he believed that if you could write well about death, you could write well about almost anything.
Automat came from a writing class. The instructor had us choose a photo postcard from a face-down pile, then gave us ten minutes to crank out a descriptive passage. The image I ended up with was Edward Hopper’s Automat.
What Am I Missing?
I’m a funeral escort. That basically means I ride a motorcycle in front of and along funeral processions, helping surrounding traffic see the procession and respond accordingly. I clear traffic in front of them, help them get on the freeway, and generally try to make their trip to the cemetery safer for everyone involved. Some Read More
Back On Two Wheels
Last night, I got my Harley out for the first time in several months. The cold doesn’t bother me, but there’s been enough snow out that I didn’t want to take the chance of dumping the bike. All I did was run an errand, then meet my wife and kids at church. I didn’t put Read More