What’s this? A new post for the first time in over six months? Really?
WordPress For Android
WordPress For Android was listed at the bottom of a blog post I read this morning, so I wanted to try it out. Install was seamless as well as painless. Interface is nicely laid out, although I can’t see writing thousand-word posts on my phone. The only drawback I see at the moment is adding Read More
New Site Theme
Please bear with me as I work on installing the new theme. I think it’ll look very nice once I get everything set properly, but that will take me a couple of days.
Tinkering Again
Yes, I’m tinkering with Adsense again. Since February 2007. I’ve managed to earn a grand total of $15.68 through Adsense. Granted, for part of that time, I haven’t had ads running. I’m not kidding myself; I know what the traffic is like here. But I figure I might be able to make a little bit Read More
[Admin] Changes Coming
Changes coming to the site.