Now that I’ve finished a first draft on my first novel, I’m working on outlining the second. As the first passes around to a few readers, and the plot develops in the second, I’ve become concerned about the track I seem to be following.
Decisions, Decisions
I’ve been trying to outline my latest book. I want to develop “The Sad Girl” into a full-length novel, because I think it will be a good story. But it’s taken a very dark turn at the moment. I’m not above writing a dark story about an ugly topic, but at the moment, I haven’t Read More
6 Years, 10 Months, 18 Days
Two thousand, five hundred and twenty-four days. Three hundred and sixty weeks. 101, 380 words. Actually, no. I’m off by two words. Forgot to count “The End.” Yes, roughly 60,576 hours later, Don’t Stop Believin’ is done, or at least the first draft is. Time to back up that file, and start thinking about another Read More
Writing Again!
I”m not sure what my problem is with my WIP. I just checked my records, and up until about two months ago, I was averaging just about 460 words a day, as was writing pretty steadily – at least every other day. Then it just stopped. Did the story really dry up, or was I Read More
The Sad Girl
Life was pretty good. I was eighteen months into my parole, and was staying out of trouble. I had a job. Heck, I had my own company, and with it came money. Not a lot at first, but it was starting to pick up. I had a girl now, too, who accepted me with all Read More