Short post to keep the weekly streak going. I’ve got a couple of different things going on and a sore hand/wrist to boot.

This is the 40th weekly post this year and 75th weekly post in the streak. Feels pretty good to be able to say that.
Diana finished her last assignment for her Masters in Education Administration program through Southeastern Oklahoma State University this week. I’m super proud of her.
I’m not sure how I hurt my wrist or hand. I can’t close it into a fist, and extending the arm in certain directions causes pain in the heel. Everything seems to be concentrated around the thumb and wrist though. It came on kind of suddenly last week in Branson. Heat on the shoulder has helped a little. Typing is basically okay, but handwriting is almost impossible because I can’t hold a pen tightly enough.
I thought I was healing so I mowed part of the property Wednesday. That was a mistake. We have a zero-turn mower and gripping the bar for over an hour made things much worse.
It’s enlightening to see how much you twist and turn your wrist and thumb on a daily basis. I find it curious that using my mouse doesn’t seem to aggravate things.
Number Two Son married his girlfriend Friday at the courthouse. Neither one of them wanted a big wedding, so they had Middle Son and Daughter-In-Law’s mom as witnesses. They’ll have a big party later. She’s got two kids (Granddaughter and Grandson Two) who are just terrific, and we’re all very happy for them.
They’d just bought a house a couple of weeks ago so as a combined housewarming and wedding gift, we got them a pellet smoker. I loved seeing the look on his face when we dropped it off.
One of the things I’ve dealt with over the years regarding employment is how discouraged I get over the constant rejection. I’ve applied for dozens of positions since we moved to Oklahoma, and plenty in Ohio, too. It became mentally exhausting to keep putting myself out there over and over again, never to receive an interview. The radio silence, especially after an interview, was incredibly frustrating.
I didn’t have to apply for my current Day Job. Diana asked if I’d be interested in it, so I tried it out and said, “Sure.” It’s just a contract position so there was never an application. When I did apply for a position at the school, the department head rejected me because I was married to another employee. Never mind that there’s no policy against married couples working for the school. But ironically, I feel just a little more confident about the application process, enough that I’m going to apply for several positions elsewhere that look interesting. I don’t feel like I’m going to stay at the current Day Job much longer though. I can’t quite put my finger on why I want to leave; I just don’t feel like it’s the right job for me right now. Eight hours a week isn’t much of a paycheck, either.
Life goes on.
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