Science is not threatened by God; it is enhanced. God is most certainly not threatened by science; He made it all possible.
Dr. Francis Collins is both a scientist and a believer. He’s a born-again Christian, and he\’s also the director of the National Human Genome Research Institute, a federal project with 550 employees, a $480 million annual budget and a mandate to explore every twist of the DNA that makes us who we are. A dichotomy? Perhaps. But one that has led him to write a book to address what he calls the the “chasm between science and faith.” Is there such a chasm? Should there be? Said one person at Global Affairs,
It’s perhaps quite simplistic of me, but I’ve always felt that science was the tool that would bring us closer to God. As we unravel more and more of the mysteries He’s laid before us, it seems to fit that He would view that favorably.
God created science, or the facts of life that we study as science. Is it such a stretch that the two can co-exist?