It’s been a while since I’ve talked about my genealogy work here.
I keep trudging along at things. I’ve added some 60 or more cousins in Germany along the Mayer line, including several who died in World War II serving in the German military. I’ve assumed for the moment they were in the Wehrmacht, but have no real basis for that assumption. At least two were lost in Russia. There’s a good resource for German war dead that I’ll be looking in to soon, but I have little for them to go on at the moment.
I’ve reached out to a cousin-type in the Fulton line, hoping to fill in some blanks there. I’m not sure I ever met either of the two cousins (nieces of my ex-mother-in-law), so I’m not sure how the one will feel when she reads the letter.

J. C. Mueller
I hope to be able to add more stories and histories to the site as family members connect with me and each other. That’s really what it’s all about to me: connecting and reconnecting, and keeping the history alive.
Watch for format and style changes to the site, too. I’ve always liked the layout that I use, but have started thinking the colors are a little dark, so I’m going to be tweaking those in the weeks ahead.
If you’ve never visited the site, check it out: If we’re related, tell me more!
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