It’s something of a running joke for writers, and especially mystery/suspense/thriller writers, that our search histories have probably landed us on multiple law enforcement lists. There are t-shirts and coffee mugs that say the first thing someone should do for us if they find us dead is to clear our browser and search history.
I haven’t searched for information on anything really creepy (lately), but I thought it might be interesting as I start the third book in The Sad Girl series to share some of the things I have Googled lately. I’ll probably update this occasionally.
- baby names florida
- florida concealed carry permit
- federal boat license
- boat-related businesses
- florida harbor master
- pregnancy concerns after 45
- st petersburg fl tv stations
- oklahoma birth certificates
- wiki 2007 news events
- evolution of branding
- tattoo trafficking
- evolution of cattle branding Egypt
- trafficking tattoo removal insurance
- international hiding places for money
- international banking
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve Googled for your writing?
Share your thoughts!