Saxon Mortgage Services and Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC are both stupid. And clueless.
Yes, I know they’re both companies, and so technically can’t be stupid, but their systems and employees are both stupid and clueless. When they can’t figure out that they’ve made an error, and instead push it off on the homeowner, they’re moronic.
Try to follow along. Ocwen can’t.
In January 2007, we bought a house in Grove City. Saxon Mortgage Services made the loans. We actually had to do two loans – hereafter called the Big Loan (for about $250k) and the Little Loan (for a little less than $50k).
In January 2008, I was laid off from my manufacturing job. Such is life. We had some savings, and made our loan payments just fine for the next couple of months. Ironically, when we called Saxon Mortgage Services to explain out situation, they said they couldn’t help us, because we didn’t have enough income. Well, yes. That’s why we were calling you in the first place.
In July, I asked the trust officer in charge of my trust to start making loan payments for me, and they did. They sent a single check to Saxon Mortgage Services with both loan numbers written on the check. For August, September, and October, everything was fine. Both loans were paid appropriately.
In October 2009, Saxon Mortgage Services sold our loans to Ocwen Loan Servicing. Interestingly, when I saw who was getting the loan, I Googled Ocwen Loan Servicing, and in the first 15 results, saw 5 hits to company websites, 3 or 4 to news articles, and 5 or 6 to complaint/scam/ripoff boards complaining about the lack of service from Ocwen Loan Servicing. That wasn’t exactly confidence-inspiring.
When Saxon Mortgage Services processed the last payment they got, they applied the entire amount of the check to the Little Loan. I don’t know why. Maybe they thought they were doing someone a favor. Maybe they thought the Little Loan had an inferiority complex. Whatever. Saxon Mortgage Services screwed up posting the payments.
When Ocwen Loan Servicing got the loans, they said “Oh, Big Loan is a month behind. And Little Loan is three months ahead. Well, we’ll just let the owner know that he’s a month behind, and we’re sure he’ll clear it up.” The day I got the first statements from Ocwen Loan Servicing, I pointed out the apparent error. I explained that my trust fund had been making payments, and that those payments hadn’t changed, so there was no way for me to be behind on payments. They said they couldn’t see back beyond October, because all of the paperwork involved with transferring the loan hadn’t be processed, but Ocwen Loan Servicing assured me that everything would be cleared up once all the paperwork had been processed.
Any guesses on what happened?
For the last five months, Ocwen Loan Servicing has called me almost daily to ask when I can make the payments to bring Big Loan up to date. Every now and then, I’ve gotten a call from one rep, while I’m talking to another rep! Every time they call (and I actually break down and answer), I explain the whole situation to them. I’ve probably explained it to a dozen different CSRs. I doubt any of them have made any notes on my case, because every time I ask them, they say they have no information on any problems. I’ve lost my temper several times. It hasn’t been pretty.
Last week, I sent a 20-page packet of information and history to Ocwen Loan Servicing’s Research Department. Sent it Certified Mail, return receipt requested. The day I got that receipt back, I got a certified letter from Ocwen, notifying me that they say I’m in default on the loan.
In case Ocwen Loan Servicing hasn’t figured it out yet, I dispute the validity of the debt. I am NOT in default. Saxon Mortgage Services made an error in October 2009, and failed to correct it. I’ve notified Ocwen Loan Servicing multiple times of that error, and pointed out that I can’t fix it from my end. They have refused to correct the error.
I’ll send out another certified letter today, explaining in clear terms yet again that Saxon Mortgage Services, and Ocwen Loan Servicing is aware of the error, and that I’m not in default on my loan, but I’m not really hopeful that things will get cleared up without legal action. I’m not hopeful. Anyone know a good attorney?
1 Comment
yes I under stand your situation I”m going thru the same with saxon not applying my mortage money correctly puting me into default when Ive sent my fund wester union I just yesterday met with a attorney ,saxon over charged my repayment plan over ten thousand more then what I actually owe Its very frustracting speaking to two many teller and repeating the same story over ,over again and not getting were ,and they just tranfered my loan to Ocwen loan servicing too .Call your state sentor and attoney general they can advise you to get legal counsel sincerly frustrated home owner