My January goals included finishing The Sad Girl Sequel by the 31st, and making two 500+ word posts to the blog.
I did not meet my goals for January.
When I set the goals, I wasn’t aware of (or had forgotten about) a youth retreat that I was supposed to take our kids to the last weekend of the month, so I ran out of writing time a day-and-a-half early. I’m pretty close to finishing the first draft of the sequel though. I’m in to the epilogue chapter, wrapping everything up, as well as filling in some names and such that I breezed over during the draft stage. I should have the draft finished by 6 February. I’ll let it sit for at least a week before I start a real revision pass. The last chapter of action is done, but I’m really not happy with it.
I also only got one blog post up, even though I had a couple of good ones planned/scheduled. I really need to work on staying focused on whatever writing project I’m working on at the time. If I had, I’d have had three or four posts last month.
Total word count for the month was 23,383 on the book, and 723 on the blog, for a total of 24,106.
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