Yep, this is going to be another one of those times that I post something just to maintain my streak, which kind of embarrasses me. On the one hand, it’s more than a little lame. On the other, I don’t do it often. And this turned out to be a little longer than I thought it’d be.
I haven’t been completely slacking though. We had a bunch of tree limbs come down Wednesday from that maple tree in our back yard, so I’ve been trimming them up for use next summer on the smoker. The smaller stuff will go on the burn pile for when they lift the burn ban we’re under.
I’ve also been planning for Christmas lights. I’m going to try to get them up before Thanksgiving this year, but that’s going to involve getting an electrician out very soon to get the wiring done. We buried the cable between the garage and the pedestal, but I still need to get it hooked up on both ends.
Hey, look at that. I made through the entire 2024 presidential election without making a political post!
When I go to the polls Tuesday, I’ll be voting Libertarian and Independent in every race I can.
I know there are people who think that voting Libertarian is a “wasted vote.” But in a solidly red state like Oklahoma, anything that’s not a GOP vote is technically “wasted.” There’s no real chance for anyone other than Donald Trump to win this state. But if the Libertarian party wins at least 2.5% of the vote, they win easier ballot access next time around. That’s a big deal.
I know Chase Oliver has no chance of winning the election. I doubt he, Jill Stein, or any of the other candidates from lesser-known parties will claim even a single electoral college vote.
That won’t change as long as the country relies on the EC and “First Past the Post” voting. Those things won’t change without constitutional amendments. I firmly believe that Ranked Choice Voting combined with direct elections would help bring about actual change in our country.
(Why do we have the Electoral College? Watch this.)
While I’m at it, I’d like to see an end to closed or partisan primaries. In Oklahoma, the GOP primary is closed to Democrats, Independents, Libertarians, and anyone else who’s not a registered Republican. I get not wanting other parties to be able to vote in your primaries, because you’re scared they’ll choose a weak candidate. That’s fine to want to avoid that.
But if you’re going to use public places and taxpayer-funded employees and equipment to choose the representative for your group, then that process should be open to all taxpayers, not just the ones in your group. If you don’t want to let everyone help you choose, then you don’t get to use our equipment. Hold a private caucus or convention if you want to keep others out.
I’ve got other ideas for things I’d like to see changed, but I’ll save those for a longer post.
Just get out and vote.
I made goal all through October. Well, almost all through. I didn’t make it this last week, even though it wasn’t a full week.
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