In light of the shutdown announced Friday evening by Booktrope, it should come as no surprise that many Booktropers are sharing their thoughts in their blogs. I’ll gather those here as I become aware of them.
It’s starting to hit the news as well, and I’ll share those articles as I find them as well.
Please keep a kind thought or prayer for everyone involved. Tempers and tensions are running high, and there are over 600 people involved. Everyone involved is hurting, and may say things now that they’ll regret later. Bear in mind that every name you see involved with Booktrope represents a real, live person, with hopes, and dreams, and pain.
Note: I continue to update this post. As of Thursday 5 May, I have 35+ blog posts linked in, and a half-dozen media stories. I especially encourage you to check out AC Fuller’s Writer 2.0 Podcast with Tess Thompson; it’s very enlightening. Tess was one of the first Booktrope authors ever, and the first best-seller, so she brings a very long view of the company.
Lilac Reviews: Booktrope Closing & My Thoughts
Laurel Busch: How editing for royalties worked for me
Ally Bishop: Author Seeks Publisher: A Not-So-Happy Ending
Sharkbait Writes: Hybrid Publisher Booktrope Closing Its Doors
Jill Murphy: My other baby
J.C. Hannigan: Scorned
Susan Faw: Gee Whiz
Michael W Glover: Making Lemonade…not what you think
Carolyn Ridder Aspenson: New Publishing Concept a Failure for Booktrope Editions
Updated Monday
Helen Treharne: Bye Bye Booktrope…It Was Emotional
Kandi Wyatt: A Unique Perspective On Juxtaposed Futures
Leta Hawk: I Am Not Over
Lauren Greene: Goodbye Booktrope
JT Twissel: Out of Print
L E Fitzpatrick: Booktrope Closure
Camela Thompson: Surprise! No More Publisher
Sarabeth Caplin: In other news, publishing is wild and unpredictable
Arleen Williams: Begin Again Giveaway
Jim Snowden: My Publisher’s Going Bye-Bye
Dane Cobain: An Important Announcement About the Future
Adri Sinclair: When my Publisher closed their doors, I wished them well.
Alex Kimmell: Gutted
Jennifer J. Chow: Gone Publisher
Lydia Thomas: When Spit Goes to Help in a Handbrake
Cain S. Latrani: War Witch, The Future, And Principles Of Uncertainty
Andrea Murray: A little courtesy, please!
Updated Tuesday
AJ Aalto: Bookseller’s Bag 2: Electric Boogaloo
Sahar Abdulaziz: Welcome to My Circus Part II
Elizabeth Barone: A Bit of Bad News
Updated Wednesday
Tiffany Pitts: Well, That Went Tits Up
Matthew Catania: Buy Brother Banenose Now Because Booktrope Is Bust!
Updated Thursday
Eleanor Parker Sapia: In Survival Mode
Stephany Tullis: Failed Goals: Re-assess and Start Again…and Again
February Grace: “For one brief, shining moment…” Or, My Thoughts on the Closing of Booktrope
Jennifer Lesher: Aaaaand, Things Take a Sharp Turn
Michael G. Munz: My publisher is dissolving. So what’s next for me?
Clarissa Johal: When Your Publisher Goes Out of Business #authors #booktrope
Mikey Campling Vlog: Keep Calm, Forget Booktrope, and Carry On
Beth Schulman: A Sad Goodbye Leads to a New Beginning
Geekwire: Team publishing startup Booktrope to shut down, citing revenue shortfall
Publishers Weekly: Booktrope To Shut Down Operations
Self-Publishing Review: Booktrope Closing Its Doors Leaving Authors Without a Publisher
Updated Wednesday
YesClash: Publishing in Chaos: Booktrope Jumps Ship Leaving Authors in the Lurch
Discussion at Kboards: Booktrope Closing Their Doors
Writer 2.0 Podcast: What Happened to Booktrope?
Updated Thursday
Words Worth Reading: Booktrope to Close at the End of May
Felita Daniels says
Thank you Bob for the mention of my blog post
Bob says
Happy to boost signal, Felita. Anything I can do to help spread the word is a winner, I think.
Jennifer J. Chow says
Here’s my short post on it!
Bob says
Jennifer, thanks for stopping by. I added your link to the main list. Best wishes in the days and weeks ahead.
Elizabeth Barone says
Thanks for including my post, Bob. Wishing you lots of success in the coming years!
Bob says
To you as well, Elizabeth! You’re always welcome here!