It’s been a busy week. One of my boys turned 23 Monday. He’s up in Ohio so we had to call him, but he’ll be down in a week or so for his sister’s graduation.

That sister, my middle daughter, danced her senior dance recital Saturday. It was an amazing experience to watch her wrap everything up. Her senior slideshow used Billy Joel’s “Always a Woman,” and more than a few tears were shed. Her senior solo was stunning as well. What really floored me though was the choreography she put together for the classes she’s teaching. I’ve learned over the years to appreciate dance much more than I used to. But now that she’s teaching on her own, the creativity behind choreography amazes me more and more, and it makes me ever prouder of her when I see what her students are accomplishing.
The family went to see Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness on opening night, courtesy of our middle child. He’s made something of a habit of this since Infinity War, and it kind of tickles me every time. I liked it. I went into this having not watched Wandavision but didn’t feel lost at all.
And how about that weather, eh? We’ve had, since 1 May, over 10.5 inches of rain according to my weather station. The average May rainfall in Muskogee is 6.08 inches, and we’re just seven days into the month. It’s going to be a very wet spring at this rate. There’s a pit on the north side of our property, and in the three-and-a-half years we’ve been here, I’ve never seen standing water. After the storms Wednesday night, we had about three feet of water in it. Maybe we can go ahead and turn it into a pond like we’ve talked about.
The flash flooding hit the city and the county hard. One friend woke up to a foot of water in his trailer house. He’s likely lost almost everything, including his home. Our ministry center, which has always had a water-in-the-basement problem, got flooded. We think the rainflow overwhelmed the sump pump until the water reached the outlets and blew the fuse (yes, it’s an old building). We lost quite a bit of clothing for our clothing closet, unfortunately.
I started something several months ago to help me focus, and it seems to be working.
I realized I was losing track of all the projects I have going, so I opened Word and made a list. But a list doesn’t do you any good if you don’t review it, does it? So I’ve been reviewing this Master Writing Project Notes weekly, and making notes on what I might work on during the coming week. That makes it easier for me to pick up the virtual pen and start writing. It avoids the “I don’t know what to work on” thing that takes up so much of my time and emotional energy.
Now let’s see if I can keep it up.
No books this week, and I need to return the two that I read last week before they’re overdue.
Word Counts
- Walls sits at 24,030 words.
- The Nth Passenger is at 729 words.
- After Episode 3 is now at 2,291 words. The entire story is at 92,046. Episode 1 is complete on the website; I haven’t posted any of Ep 2 (chapters 18 – 33). I should get to work on that.
- In Plain Sight is still sitting in my “Approve Edits” folder. I also need to get a cover done.
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