Sigh. Again with the words. I’ve got a directory in my Writing folder titled Drafts and Ideas. It’s got almost eighty different files, all blog posts that I thought would be interesting. Eighty times I said, “That would be a good blog post,” or “That’s pretty interesting. I wonder if I could get a blog Read More
book review
In Review – Concrete Desert
Concrete Desert by Jon Talton My rating: 4 of 5 stars David Mapstone is a former Maricopa County Sheriff’s Deputy, and now a former history professor.
In Review: City of the Damned
City Of The Damned is the debut novel for author Stephen Knight, available exclusively for e-readers through Amazon and Smashwords.
In Review: A Voice for the Dead
A Voice for the Dead: A Forensic Investigator’s Pursuit of the Truth in the Grave, James E. Starrs ISBN: 0399152253; 304 pages; Putnam Adult (February 17, 2005) Professor James Starrs is a Professor of Law as well as Professor of Forensic Science at the George Washington University, Washington DC. His work Scientific Evidence in Civil Read More
In Review: Masters of Chaos
Masters of Chaos, Linda Robinson ISBN: 1586482491; 388 pages; Publisher: Public Affairs (October 30, 2004) Many books talk about what the U.S. Army Special Forces do, but few detail how they do it. Their mission certainly includes direct combat operations, but their primary mission is unconventional warfare, which revolves around teaching guerrillas or insurgents how Read More