The enormity of what had happened finally caught up to me, and I sank to the floor, sobbing loudly as I realized that my son was still dead.
After – Chapter 1
You know that moment of silence right after the power goes out? And how it’s like the loudest silence ever? Or how when the power goes out in the middle of the night, you wake up, even though it’s quieter than it was when you went to sleep? How do we recognize that? What is it about that silence that makes us instantly alert and aware?
Post-Apocalyptic Fiction: What Happened to the Pets?
When someone leaves their home in a post-apocalyptic world, why does it seem we rarely hear about or see them going through that further emotional trauma of leaving the memories behind?
The Sad Girl is for sale!
Again With The Names
I’ve mentioned my problems with names before, regarding the main character in Don’t Stop Beleivin’. I resolved that issue, but it was a pain to discover it when I did. I decided that I wouldn’t wait that long to check character names again.