For Monday night dinner last week, we had spaghetti and meatballs. I was lazy so we bought frozen from Walmart. I pulled out a pizza pan, threw forty or so meatballs on it, and slid it into the oven. A while later, I noticed a lot of smoke coming out of the oven vents. Crap. Read More
Helping a Friend
Some friends of mine in Felton, Delaware suffered a house fire June 26.
Funeral Industry News – 21 March 2008
Cheryl Runner Kittle has pleaded guilty to embezzling over $35,000 from pre-need contracts held by an Elkins, WV funeral home. She’s agreed to restitution, but further sentencing awaits. The Suburban Journals in Town and Country, MO has a nice piece talking about the effects of weather on funerals. Here in Central Ohio, we won’t run Read More