Seems like “Only Ones” posts come in bursts.
Guns In The Home Are Dangerous
And only police officers should have them there, because the rest of us can’t be trusted to handle them safely. Surely no police officer would ever point a rifle at their significant other, or a TASER at children right?
Only Police Should Have Guns At Home
Remember this story when you hear that only police should have guns.
Why We Homeschool
Yes, I know this was a substitute teacher, and that such events are aberrations. I also know that parents sometimes abuse their own kids. But it still happened in the public school system, and it shouldn’t have. Sarasota substitute named in attack on 3 students
Florida FH Investigated for Fraud
The Florida Division of Funeral, Cemetery & Consumer Services is investigating Rubin Memorial Chapel near Boynton Beach, Florida, for the third time in as many years. After audits in 2006 and 2007, both triggered by employee complaints, the state found that Rubin Memorial Chapel had overcharged customers at least 9 times, and was slow to Read More