Maybe someone finally got it right. In Illinois, they’re trying a new program. They’re desperate to find a way to keep some of the 40,000 inmates due to be released this year from re-offending and returning to prison. The solution? A multi-prong approach. Treat the addictions. Give job training. And perhaps the most important part, Read More
law and order
Updates: SWCS Levy and Identity Theft
SWCS levy The SWCS levy passed. Out of 34,056 votes cast, there were 17,877 for and 16,179 against. It passed by 1,698 votes, or not quite 5 percent, which is hardly a mandate. The Dispatch reports that only about 41 percent of eligible South-Western voters came to the polls for that vote, which is sadly Read More
California Wants to Do It Themselves
Assemblyman Ray Haynes, R-Murrieta, has come up with an initiative to take on the task of securing California’s border with Mexico. He calls for creating an agency called the California Border Patrol. CBP would address “the supply and the demand side, both the employers who support illegal immigrants and the illegals who come across the Read More