I’m channeling England Dan & John Ford Coley and the 70s with the post title. Loved the song. At any rate, “Hello, yeah, it’s been a while.” I realized it really has been a while since I’ve posted, so let me rectify that.
writer's life
I Don’t Want You To Like Me
I was contemplating a difficult scene in In Plain Sight today. The scene involves one of the characters being instantly confronted with a horribly traumatic series of events from their past, events that they’ve completely blocked from their memory. I’m struggling with how best to write the scene. I know what should happen, to be Read More
Is Downsizing Always A Bad Thing?
In the business world, downsizing carries ominous undertones, because it usually means someone’s losing their job. It can happen for any number of reasons, from a national or worldwide economic downturn to technology and automation making jobs redundant. But the result is the same: the organization shrinks. Ideally, it becomes a more efficient organization, more Read More
I’m Still Figuring Out What to Write About, But I Don’t Have Writer’s Block
Sigh. Again with the words. I’ve got a directory in my Writing folder titled Drafts and Ideas. It’s got almost eighty different files, all blog posts that I thought would be interesting. Eighty times I said, “That would be a good blog post,” or “That’s pretty interesting. I wonder if I could get a blog Read More
What Professional Goals Have You Set For 2018?
‘Tis the season for posting about your writing goals and I’m no different. As 2017 fades into the sunset and 2018 dawns, let’s see how I did, and make some new plans for the coming year.