Which came first? Jobs that don’t pay enough to live on, or the workers to do them?
Open immigration proponents say that illegal aliens do the jobs that most Americans don’t want to do, because of the low wages attached to those jobs. They claim that if the illegal aliens weren’t doing those jobs, then the wages would go up, and that would increase the costs of those goods (typically farm produce, fast food restaurants, or janitorial positions).
Is it true that most Americans don’t want the jobs due to low wages, or are the companies that employ illegal aliens paying the lowest wages because they can, because there are people who will work for little money?
As I follow the immigration issues being discussed at Global Affairs, and at various blogs around the net, it has occurred to me that there are real problems, and no easy solution. But until we admit that foreign governments are helping their citizens violate US immigration and drug laws, we’re not going to get anywhere. If that’s not tantamount to an invasion, I don’t know what is.
Does that mean I support a military response to Mexico’s actions? Not yet. But the White House needs to recognize and admit there’s a problem down there, and accept the help that its citizens are offering instead of calling those citizens “vigilantes.”
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