That’s a lame post title, I know. I’m being lazy this week. Still in Pennsylvania until the 21st, which means I’ll get to drive home through the polar vortex that’s supposed to be hitting the Midwest. That could be fun.
I went to church last Sunday and no lightning bolts ensued. That’s a good thing, right?
Editor Friend watched the online service the week prior, since she was just a couple of days post-op at that point. But this week, she felt up to the half-hour drive and being in the sanctuary, so off we went. She uses a walker around the house but also has a knee scooter that she uses for longer distances, so we took that. It gives her something to prop her foot on, too.
The Sunday School class was very welcoming to me. They were covering the first chapter of Ecclesiastes, and I had thoughts. But I didn’t want to come across as a jerk and make trouble for Editor Friend when I’m gone.
The service was an interesting experience. It’s been a while since I’ve attended at large contemporary evangelical service. Diana’s church only has a couple of dozen members. EF’s church seats several hundred, and they have three campuses, and I think two services at each location. I didn’t recognize the songs they sang but given how rarely I attend a service anywhere, that’s not surprising. I note though that just a week later, I couldn’t tell you what the pastor preached about.
The Princess Bride
I righted an apparent wrong this week.
It will probably surprise, confound, or downright bother many people to learn that until this week, I had not seen The Princess Bride. Turns out several of my kids had already seen it and were astounded to learn they’d watched it before I had. But I’m up here with Editor Friend and she’s laid up not moving for a few weeks, so we’re watching a lot of TV. We’ve binged a bunch of Blue Bloods, Walker, Texas Ranger, and Sherlock along the way. Since we’ve been watching so many shows and she knew I’d never seen it, Editor Friend suggested we go ahead and watch Princess Bride.
We had fun with it. She’d point out where commercial breaks would occur, or when certain well-known lines were coming, which was kind of cool.
It was a Good Flick. It was nice to see the scenes to go with the lines I’ve heard over the years.
EF and her friend on Skype and I discussed the movie a little a few days later, and EF’s Friend pointed out that Buttercup wasn’t really a nice person, at least not in the beginning. She treated Wesley horribly until she figured out that he loved her, then she suddenly started seeing him as a real person. That’s kind of a crappy attitude to have. It’s also disturbingly common that we don’t treat people as we should until we discover that they like us.
Funny how classic movies sometimes don’t age well.
One of the dance parents shared some photos of Nutcracker, and I was very happy to see that she got a great shot of me during the party scene. It’s not often that photos of the dancers catch me as well as she did here, and I’m grateful that she shared it.

Social Media
I noted that TikTok went down Saturday night for US users. I thought from several media stories that we’d still be able to access it, but no one would be able to download it or get updates. My suspicion is that this is something of a flex on Bytedance’s part to try to force Trump to act on rescinding the ban. That’s not something he can do himself though. We’ll see what happens. I’d intended to get some video work done while I was in Pennsylvania, but that didn’t happen. We’ll see what I can get into when I get home.
I shared a post for this week’s Wednesday Weekly Blog Challenge (“Favorite Things To Do In Winter”) over at Long and Short Reviews. Check it out here.
I’ve been binging several shows with Editor Friend, including Blue Bloods. There’s a lot of good writing in that show. Figures that I’d discover a great show after it’s concluded. At any rate, as I watch the show and learn the various character arcs, I’ve picked up on some amazing dialog. I’m definitely going to watch more Blue Bloods and look for other shows with good writing and dialog. I’m not going to quit reading, but I’m adjusting my attitude about where I can learn more about writing.
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