Ryan Horsley owns a gun shop called Red’s Trading Post. He’s currently under trial regarding the revocation of his FFL. As you can imagine, this has been discussed at a lot of gun blogs, including War On Guns.
The trial concluded the other day, and a Deputy US Marshal pulled Ryan aside and asked him to give a specific message to David Codrea, over at WoG.
“Inspector Meyer asked me to contact you in regards to posting any information with the intent to threaten, intimidate, or incite the commission of a crime of violence against that covered official… “
So Inspector Meyer has apparently resorted to threatening or intimidating others to try and prevent something that’s not even happening. Hmm. And why didn’t Inspector Meyer call David himself, or email him? It’s not like David tries to hide anything.
David had a very clear, measured response: How dare you!
How dare you, indeed.
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