David Codrea, over at The War on Guns, has a section he calls “The Only Ones.” It was inspired by the now-infamous Miami DARE officer officer who shot himself during a classroom demonstration, just after claiming he was “the only one” safe enough to handle a gun. The basic idea behind “Only Ones” is how law enforcement officials often aren’t held to the same standards as we lowly civilians.
In all fairness to David, he can’t keep up with the flood of “Only Ones” situations, so I’m going to try and do my part.
My first “Only Ones” post comes from Fargo, ND, where ND apparently means “negligent discharge”:
FARGO, N.D. (AP) – A Cass County Sheriff’s deputy who accidentally fired his handgun in a courthouse restroom has been suspended for eight days without pay. Authorities said Dean Wawers, 57, also will receive a written reprimand in personnel file.
Well, it’s good to know they’re taking it so seriously. I mean, gosh. 8 whole days off? And a written reprimand?
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