Fifty-four days ago, I announced a Twitter experiment, in which I would start trying to actually engage with my Tweeple, change the tone of my tweets, and work on follow-backs.
I started that experiment with 248 followers, and was following 178 accounts.
I now stand at 449 followers and 380 following. It feels like the tone of my tweets is improving, too. I’m still talking about the same stuff, but I’m trying to not be as negative.
I’ve noticed too that as I participate more in the #MondayBlogs event, I’ve been driven to blog more often, so I have content of my own to share on Mondays. I’ve had new posts up for the last four Mondays in a row (well, five now). It’s been a long time since I’ve posted that consistently.
If you’re here from #MondayBlogs, have you noticed a similar boost in your productivity?
[…] But now I’ve learned – and seen the results of – actually talking with people on Twitter and Facebook, instead of constantly cajoling people about buying my book. I’ve got more Twitter followers, and my sales went up. I’ve tried to change the tone of my tweets, too. […]