So who am I, and what’s the point?
I’ll fill you in on who I am over the next several days or weeks, and then eventually archive that to an about page or something. No point in doing a data dump of my life in one humongo post now, is there?
As to the point, well, I’m not sure. Is what I’m going to say that much more interesting or thought-provoking than anything in the blogosphere? :shrug: Probably not. But I think my main point is that I want to start writing more, and eventually try to make some money as a freelance author. This will help me get into and stay in the habit of writing regularly, as well as thinking more carefully and critically about what I read.
That probably explains one of the categories that I’m using. The public safety category comes from my background. I’m an ex-cop, having worked for a while at “a small, private, Midwestern college” in southeastern Ohio. I’ve also served in in the Army as a military police security specialist (also translated as gate guard). I’ve done a good bit of security work as well. I have an interest in all things relating to public safety, including law enforcement, fire service, EMS, and anything else that could be lumped in there.
I’m Christian by faith, and Nazarene by denomination. I expect to post a good bit about issues of faith. I assume those posts will draw comments that will make me explain and justify my position. But it will also help me grow as a Christian, I hope.
I’m a closet libertarian, too. I say closet because even though I believe in much of the LP platform, I still wimped out last November and voted for Bush. Why? I wasn’t sure that he was the right thing for the country, and I wasn’t certain either about Michael Badnarik. But I /was/ certain in my heart that Kerry was wrong for the country, and I didn’t want to take the chance that Kerry might win. That position I’m sure will draw fire, but there it is.
1 Comment
Just found you on the blog-o-sphere and thought I’d look at your first post first. I was blogging quite awhile ago. Then… life and problems got in the way. I lost my desire to write and felt I didn’t have anything to say anymore. My new blog has been sitting there empty for over a year waiting for me to write in it…
I think the post I first read by you was about writing a novel long-hand yesterday. I started a novel in 2013 and now it’s 2022. I need to finish it.