In case anyone is wondering, here’s what I did last year:
Rides: 445 This counts 2-county rides as 2 events, so the number of physical trips is probably a little lower, but this is what I get paid for.
Miles: about 15,500 That’s off from last year, as we moved quite a bit closer to town. Last year I was over 17,000 miles. Sorry it’s not exact, but I’ve been on a company motor for part of the year, and so I wasn’t tracking my mileage as closely as I did on my own bike.
Friday was my busiest day of the week, with 20.9% of my rides. The rest:
Sat – 16.85%
Monday – 16.40%
Sun – 0.22%
Thu – 15.51%
Wed – 15.28%
Tue – 14.83%
I rode for 33 different funeral homes, and went to 48 unique destinations. That includes runs where I dropped the procession at a church or at the county line.
Any other questions? Just ask.
Share your thoughts!