What happens when 26 people write a short story on the same topic? You get the Blog Fiction Project, of course.
Memorial Day
I would guess that I’m “celebrating” Memorial Day much as many across the country are. I’ve got the day off work, and we’re just enjoying the day off. My daughter had a friend sleep over last night, and they are playing with the boys. Burgers and steaks are on the Jenn-Aire. It’s drizzly out, so Read More
Can some good come from his life?
Gregory Scott Johnson was convicted of breaking into of 82-year-old Ruby Hutslar’s Anderson, IN home, beating and stomping on her, then setting a fire to hide his crime in 1985. The state has said he admitted to the killing but changed his story after his conviction. He is scheduled to be executed early Wednesday. What Read More
“I have never believed that he did anything”
There were so many fiber matches between the defendant’s household and the victims that it was statistically impossible for the victims not to have been in the defendant’s home and cars. But 4 witnesses saw the last murder victim up to two days after the defendant allegedly threw his body off a bridge. Five bloodstains Read More