The Columbus Dispatch reports today that the Ohio Highway Patrol is investigating the actions of the Ohio Investigative Unit, the Troy Police Department, and even Miami County Prosecutor Gary Nasal regarding the use of Haley Dawson’s driver license in an investigation. One of OHP’s duties is investigating possible criminal acts by state agencies. The investigation Read More
Issue 31- SWCS Levy
Issue 31 is the proposed property tax levy for the South Western City School District. It’s a touchy issue around here. It’s a 9.7 mil proposal, which will add $297 per $100,000 of value. For me, that’s almost $1800. I can’t afford it. Add to it that this is the 3rd time in 7 months Read More
In Review: Masters of Chaos
Masters of Chaos, Linda Robinson ISBN: 1586482491; 388 pages; Publisher: Public Affairs (October 30, 2004) Many books talk about what the U.S. Army Special Forces do, but few detail how they do it. Their mission certainly includes direct combat operations, but their primary mission is unconventional warfare, which revolves around teaching guerrillas or insurgents how Read More
The Chicken or the Egg?
Which came first? Jobs that don’t pay enough to live on, or the workers to do them?