We were driving up to deliver a meal to friends who lost their house to a fire. Thankfully, everyone is safe, although they’ve lost almost everything to the fire. All the kids were with us; I explained to them that not all of us would be going in to our friends’ apartment, since they were Read More
Zero Tolerance or Zero Intelligence?
The principal of McKay High School, in Salem, Oregon, told a student she couldn’t post a photo of her brother on a classroom bulletin board. Why? He’s a Marine, and the photo was of him and two of his friends. In Iraq. With firearms! KATU-TV has the story, along with this follow-up. Apparently after a Read More
Stories From Work
In this post, I talked about a funny story from work. Just a few days later, a co-worker radioed me with his own story. Seems that he was blocking traffic at the bottom of an off-ramp, as his 35-car procession was coming off the freeway. He was blocking both lanes with his motorcycle when a Read More
Livng Wills and Laws
A Lancaster, OH attorney saw an advertisement for a Living Will seminar, to be held at a local hospital, with information presented by a nurse. The attorney, Frank Green, decided to file a complaint with Ohio Supreme Court’s disciplinary counsel. Against the nurse. For practicing law without a license. Hello? Since 1992, federal law has Read More