Stuff like this still occasionally happens, even up here in Central Ohio. I think the coolest time I ever saw it happen was three or four years ago, when 2 young boys, maybe 11 or 12 years old, stopped what they were doing, stood to, and paid their respects to the procession. It wasn’t a Read More
The Day Job
Escort Hit By Drunk Driver
A funeral escort working Jackson County, Missouri was hit by a drunk driver April 3d. The escort suffered “life-threatening injuries” when a 20-year-old intoxicated male began passing the procession one car at a time, leapfrogging his way up. The escort, moving up to the front of the procession, was struck when the intoxicated driver swerved Read More
Funeral Humor
The graveside ceremony had just ended when the sky flashed with the sharp crack of a nearby lightning strike, followed by more flashes and rumbles on the horizon. The widower glanced over at the pastor and said, “Well, she’s there now.”
Tri-State 2?
The owner of Seepe Funeral Home & Crematory, in Jackson, MS, is under investigation for desecration of a corpse. At least two former employees have come forward with evidence that Mark Seepe had given cremains to one family before their family member was cremated, as well as photos of bones from multiple cremations mixed together.
Funeral Industry News – 21 March 2008
Cheryl Runner Kittle has pleaded guilty to embezzling over $35,000 from pre-need contracts held by an Elkins, WV funeral home. She’s agreed to restitution, but further sentencing awaits. The Suburban Journals in Town and Country, MO has a nice piece talking about the effects of weather on funerals. Here in Central Ohio, we won’t run Read More