This is how not to respond to a national controversy.
Refocusing Your Faith
Two recent posts at CNN’s Belief Blog deserve to be shared. I posted them to my Facebook, but want to share them here as well.
Irony Overload
So I saw this link earlier today, and was a bit skeptical. Wouldn’t you be? Come on. “Jackboot to the throat?” Really? Are we back to “jackbooted thugs” again? Then the next part: “FDA claims citizens have no right of access to certain foods.” That certainly made me sit up and think. It’s an interesting Read More
Of Christians and Mathematics
I received this tweeted response to my last post: halm: @bobmueller ah, so either I am not a Christian, or you haven’t mastered arithmetic. @halm is my brother, and his comment indicates that I probably need to better explain myself.
Closing a Church
The church we used to attend is closing this week. I know it’s not a surprise to anyone who attended that church. Regular attendance a year ago was in the 20s, and 9 of them had the same last name I do. When we left last fall to answer my wife’s call to another local Read More