Dennis Prager has written a scathing indictment of Representative Keith Ellison, D-Minn. Apparently Representative-elect Ellison wants to use a Koran for his swearing-in ceremony, instead of a Bible. Prager is outraged, and now the AFA is calling for Christians to flood Congress with demands for a law requiring the use of the Christian Bible during Read More
Faithful to God and Science
Science is not threatened by God; it is enhanced. God is most certainly not threatened by science; He made it all possible. Dr. Francis Collins is both a scientist and a believer. He’s a born-again Christian, and he\’s also the director of the National Human Genome Research Institute, a federal project with 550 employees, a Read More
What A Coinkidink!
Coincidence is when God chooses to remain anonymous. From an historical standpoint alone, this is pretty interesting news. Imagine touching something that’s 1600 years old. It’s rare enough to see something more than about a hundred years old. But this book is over 16 centuries old!
What Next? Change The Name?
This is going beyond silly. A federal lawsuit was filed against a city last year, and will proceed to trial in November. The lawsuit alleges that because the city’s logo includes three crosses, the city is promoting religion violating the First Amendment to the US Constitution. The lawsuit also claims that by requiring prospective employees Read More
Creation Science
A recent editorial in the Columbus Dispatch slammed intelligent design pretty harshly, suggesting that it’s nothing more than a nice idea that has no grounding in “real” science. Small doubts in legitimate science open the door for “theories” such as intelligent design to masquerade as science. It’s interesting that they use the word “theory” in Read More