Yes, there are people in this country who shouldn’t have guns.
The Evil Aunt Who Wasn’t
The Internet Outrage Machine engaged Jennifer Connell last week. Here’s what’s wrong with that idea.
Newtown Discussion
Randy Cassingham of This Is True almost always has some really good insights on big news stories.
I’m still trying to wrap my head around what happened December 14th. My thoughts are all over the place, chasing my emotions like a cat after a laser.
More: Kelo v City of New London
Now it’s getting really bad. WorldNetDaily reports that since New London won the case, they’re now expecting back rent from the losing parties, to the tune of $57,000 for the case’s namesake, Susette Kelo. “I’d leave here broke,” Kelo said. “I wouldn’t have a home or any money to get one. I could probably get Read More