I’ve been thinking about the DIY rape kits by Leda Health and the challenges survivors face with evidence collection. While states push back, the real issue is the lack of trained professionals. On the writing front, ‘Ghost’ is progressing well.
Stromboli Success and Football Woes
This week’s post dives into the distances between various homes—from birth to the present—and explores a new recipe experiment: Italian Stromboli. On the sports front, there’s a reflection on football games, with Michigan facing challenges. Writing updates include progress on “Ghost,” and a discussion about POV choices for another project.
Writing Success: Finding Focus in a Busy Creative Week
This week, I’m talking about fencing classes, attending my grandson’s football game, and college football updates, especially regarding Michigan’s upcoming season. I also touch on progress in my writing projects, the challenges of balancing multiple stories, and plans to focus on outlining for a specific novel.
The Complicated Reality of Felony Murder: Unraveling Injustice
This week, I share excitement over a newfound genealogical connection, debate football ethics, and discuss complex felony murder cases.
Homeschooling’s Dark Reality: The Story of a Boy Left Behind
It’s far too easy for homeschooled kids to fall through the cracks.