I reflect on shopping local, a potential rewrite of Ghost of Innocence, and setting writing goals for next year.
Obligatory Year-end Goals Evaluation and Self-Flagellation
The Goals I set what I thought were very reasonable goals last year. Release Discoveries and finish In Plain Sight. Write 2 short stories, fifty blog posts and enter 3 contests. I also set word count goals for both fiction (100,000) and blogging (57,000). I was aiming for a grand total of just over 400,000 Read More
What Professional Goals Have You Set For 2018?
‘Tis the season for posting about your writing goals and I’m no different. As 2017 fades into the sunset and 2018 dawns, let’s see how I did, and make some new plans for the coming year.
Goal-Checking March (and February)
We’re already a quarter of the way through 2017. How did that happen? Seems like the days are passing ever more quickly. How did I do in March? Not so great in a couple of areas. And I didn’t write a goal-checking post for February’s work. Shame on me. Writing 3 blog posts each in Read More
Checking My Reading and Writing Goals for January
How did I do with meeting my goals this month? It looked okay at first, but if I stay at this pace throughout the year, I’ll miss my intended target by almost 48,000 words. I definitely need to up my game.