A collection of #MondayBlogs tweets for 31 May that I’ve read throughout the day
MondayBlogs Recap
An Up In The Air #MondayBlogs Recap
I started participating in #MondayBlogs almost a year ago, and it’s done a great deal for my writing. It’s given me a deadline to crank out weekly writing, and anything that helps a writer is a good thing.
A Nickel For Your #MondayBlogs Recap
A collection of #MondayBlog tweets for May 16 that I’ve read throughout the day.
Guitars, Pianos, and a #MondayBlogs Recap
I started participating in #MondayBlogs almost a year ago, and it’s done a great deal for my writing. It’s given me a deadline to crank out weekly writing, and anything that helps a writer is a good thing.
Goldy McJohn’s 71st Birthday – A #MondayBlogs Recap 2 May 16
I started participating in #MondayBlogs almost a year ago, and it’s done a great deal for my writing. It’s given me a deadline to crank out weekly writing, and anything that helps a writer is a good thing. What is #MondayBlogs? It’s a meme developed by a friend of mine, Rachel Thompson about six years Read More